About Us

We ♥ Disney! Woot!

Hi I'm Veronica or just V.

I have great childhood memories stemming from many Disney movies, songs, etc, and of course from Disneyland itself; they shall last me a lifetime. And there shall be many more to come, I'm sure. Just in general Disneyland has the ability to make me happy, whether it's for Grad Night or a day visit, I truly enjoy my time spent there. I am a person who finds joy in many little things, and  at Disneyland I am totally a  kid in a candy store. Being born and raised in Southern Calidornia I am privelleged to be near so many fun things, but Disneyland will always have a special place in my heart. Hopefully this blog will give you a taste of Disney and it's awesomeness.

Hi, my name is Jennie Phuong.

I love Disney music and I went to Disneyland during the winter time for all four years in high school. I have played "It's a Small World" with  my school's orchestra for one of the fall concerts. My favorite rides in Disneyland would have to be "Splash Mountain", "It's a Small World", and "Space Mountain".

My name is Cristabel!

I love Disneyland all things Disney! My favorite Disney characters are Merryweather, Gus Gus and Mary Poppins. I'm the middle child of three girls and I'm extremely close to my family. I have one dog named Jingles, who is my little furbaby. :3